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Wikidata weekly summary #303

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Significantly (on average to 1/4th) reduced the number of changes from Wikidata showing up on the watchlists and recent changes on Wikipedias and the other sister projects. This way changes that do not affect an article should no longer show up. We're still holding off roll-out to Commons, Cebuano, Waray-Waray and Armenian Wikipedia because of scalability concerns.
    • Working on optimizing one of the largest database tables (wb_terms) (phab:T188279)
    • Fixing a bug on how Wikidata changes are shown on Wikipedia (phab:T189320)
    • Continued addressing security review issues for Wikibase-Lexeme extension (phab:T186726)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Final note from Léa: thanks to people who participated to the feedback page! Today's Weekly Summary is already improved thanks to your suggestions. Feel free to add more comments, and feel free to edit the newsletter yourself: all small contributions are welcome :)

Wikidata weekly summary #304

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Discussions
  • Development
    • Looking into current Lua usage to see where we can improve the Lua functions we provide (phab:T189506)
    • When there is a constraint violation in a reference, the reference is now automatically expanded to make it more visible (phab:T177970)
    • Looked into issues around notifying the Wikipedias about changes happening on Wikidata (sometimes delayed due to too quick bot editing) (phab:T189772)
    • Fixed some translation issues in the embeded part of the Query Service (phab:T188990)
    • Fixed an issue with usernames being broken for Wikidata changes in watchlist and RC on Wikipedia (phab:T189320)
    • Optimizing a heavily used database table (wb_terms) (phab:T188279)
    • Polishing a lot of things for lexicographical data first deployment
    • Make it possible to remove a Form (phab:T173332)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #305

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Discussions
    • Closed request for adminship: Putnik, Okkn. Welcome on board!
    • Closed request for comments: Former ATE
  • Development
    • New search code for Wikidata merged. You may notice the improvement in the search results output for Wikidata item. However, new code for search is not enabled, only new results format. The search code will be enabled next week.
    • Improving formatting of language and lexical category in diff for Lexemes (phab:T189679)
    • Allow to remove a Form (phab:T189675)
    • Translate the grammatical feature properly on Lexemes (phab:T189143)
    • Investigate and fix a bug on Lexemes when undoing an edit (phab:T187215)
    • Progress on refactoring the table wb_terms (phab:T189777, phab:T188993, phab:T188279)
    • Fixing an error on the caching of the constraint checks (phab:T189842)
    • Improving the performance of a table in the database (phab:T180834)
    • Improving the way we're building dumps (phab:T177550)
    • Investigate on improving Lua functions (phab:T143970)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #306

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • if you're working with Lua modules, you can give input here about new functions
    • you can still fill this page if you encounter a problem with suggester ranking

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #307

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Differences between range constraints now work only if both properties are present (phab:T185480)
    • Work on a new constraint unit which defines which units are alowed for a given property (phab:T164372)
    • Make the Special:ConstraintReport easier to understand (phab:T188728)
    • Work on a Lua function which checks if an item is a subclass of or instance of another item (phab:T179155)
    • Started deleting old autopatrolled from the loggin table (phab:T190447, phab:T184791)
    • More work on setting up permissions for Lexeme (phab:T189480)
    • Fixing a bug about removing the last Lemma (phab:T189185)
    • Disabling the possibility to move a Lexeme (phab:T189481)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #308

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Disable Senses in the API for the initial version of the WikibaseLexeme extension (phab:T187198)
    • Create a new data type to allow linking to Forms (phab:T165579)
    • Fix a bug happening when editing a Form (phab:T187215)
    • Enforce permission checks when editing Lexeme (phab:T189480)
    • Make not possible to remove the last lemma (phab:T189185)
    • Make not possible to move a Lexeme (phab:T189481)
    • Implement “Units” constraint (phab:T164372)
    • More work on the possibility to pick an item's parent in Lua (phab:T179155)
    • Show a thumbnail for image/video/audio properties in statements (phab:T46727)
    • Add “no bounds” constraint (phab:T170610)
    • Make the “difference within range” constraint not requiring “item requires claim” constraint (phab:T185480)
    • New Lua function to test for validity of Wikidata entity IDs (phab:T143970)
    • Include checksums in dumps (phab:T190457)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #309

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Track the number of constraints by type (phab:T191891)
    • Include thumbnails in image statements (phab:T46727)
    • Install Query Service on Factgrid (phab:T189863)
    • Page creation and edit rates (phab:T184948)
    • Implement unit constraint (phab:T164372)
    • Implement no bounds constraint (phab:T170610)
    • Started working on the constraint violation type to restrict to indicate that certain properties can only be used on items or lexemes (phab:T164744)
    • Creating a Docker container for QuickStatements (phab:T192079)
    • Removed hardcoded demo data in Wikibase Lexeme (phab:T188899)
    • New data type for linking to Forms (phab:T165579)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #310

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #311

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #312

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Discussions
    • Open request for adminship: Adminor
  • Development
    • Fix the bug where changes in the watchlist and Recent Changes on Wikipedia should have been shown but were not (phab:T192673)
    • Clarify error message for the merge API (phab:T180296)
    • Add violation type to restrict which entity types a property can be used (phab:T164744)
    • Added a constraint to blacklist values for a property (phab:T183092)
    • Fix a bug showing the wrong alias in the edit summary when editing an alias (phab:T190492)
    • Fix some bugs related to displaying thumbnails in statements (phab:T193880, phab:T192667, phab:T193499)
    • Continue looking into dispatch issues (phab:T194602)
    • Working on adding an integer constraint (phab:T167989)
    • Preparing to deploy WikibaseLexeme extension on Wikimedia cluster (phab:T168260)
    • Making sure that the form ID counter is preserved when clearing the lexeme via the API (phab:T192264)
    • Applying the same validation to the language code of the Lemma and the representation (phab:T191504)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #313

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Events
    • Past: Europeana Tech Conference (including a lot of Wikidata workshops and discussions)
    • Past:Wikimedia Hackathon 2018, 18-20 May in Barcelona
      • Check the hashtag #wmhack on Twitter to see what has been worked on regarding Wikidata
      • List of the projects that have been demoed during the showcase
    • Next Wikidata IRC office hour: May 29th at 18:00 (UTC+2, Berlin time) on the channel #wikimedia-office
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Development
    • Hackathon!
    • Work on adding “integer” constraint (phab:T167989)
    • Fix a bug expanding the references with a constraint violation (phab:T193669)
    • Add a "mis" code language to enable uncoded languages in Wikibase Lexeme (phab:T194754)
    • Improve the different language fields in the interface of editing a Lexeme (phab:T191504)
    • Finish work to edit Forms via the web API (phab:T190906)
    • Include special Lexeme IDs (phab:T187060)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #314

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Events
    • IRC office hour, on May 29th at 18:00 (UTC+2, Berlin time), on the IRC channel #wikimedia-office. Special topic: Lexemes on Wikidata
  • Development
    • Deployed and activate WikibaseLexeme on wikidata.org so you can now store the first lexicographical data on Wikidata (phab:T191457)
    • Fixing the encoding issues on labels of items linked on Lexemes (phab:T195470, phab:T195359)
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing adding Forms and Lexemes in statements (phab:T195402)
    • Suppressed the browser's autocomplete that covers WikibaseLexeme's suggestion on Special:NewLexeme (phab:T195383, phab:T191526)
    • Worked on a bug about representation overwriting other representation with the same language code (phab:T193636)
    • Changed title of the field of a lemma language to make it less likely for people to add a translation as a second Lemma (phab:T193603)
    • Working on the RDF mapping of WikibaseLexeme (phab:T160260)
    • Working on implementing fulltext search for Lexemes (phab:T189739)
    • Working on showing Lemmas for linked Lexemes instead of just their ID on special pages like Special:AllPages (phab:T195382)
    • Fixing issues that happened after dropping an index from the wb_terms table (phab:T194270, phab:T195642, phab:T195611)
    • Made constraint check result appear directly after adding a new statement (phab:T194247)
    • Working on looking up entities by external identifiers on Special:Search (phab:T99899)
    • Added Docker image to Wikibase website (phab:T189936)
    • Added WikibaseImport script to Docker images to make it easier for people to start their own Wikibase install with some data imported from Wikidata (phab:T192080)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #315

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • The API respond for maxlag will in the future also include the dispach lag (phab:T194950)
    • Add Elastic and CirrusSearch in the Wikibase Docker image (phab:T192813)
    • Add OAuth extension to wikibase bundle container (phab:TT192364)
    • Work on showing constraints in the QueryService (phab:T194762)
    • Make the PropertySuggester use CirrusSearch (phab:T195490)
    • Add integer constraint in the constraint checks (phab:T167989)
    • Add “citation needed” constraint type (phab:T195052)
    • Make Special:EntityData should handle form IDs (phab:T192149)
    • Fix encoding problems for labels displayed in Lexemes (phab:T195359)
    • Improve the text in the grammatical feature field (phab:T193604)
    • Work on showing Lemma on Special:AllPages and other pages (phab:T195382)
    • Work on better handling use of statements linking to Lexemes on client (phab:T195615)
    • Fix a bug that breaks Lexeme when language or lexical category items don't have a label (phab:)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #316

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Press, articles, blog posts
    • Learning to Generate Wikipedia Summaries for Underserved Languages from Wikidata, presented at the Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics by Lucie Kaffee and Hady Elsahar (see the poster and the paper)
  • Development
    • Developing a prototype for usability testing for how the term box (labels, descriptions, aliases) could work on mobile
    • Investigating how we can do the display of items (their label and sometimes description when linked to in a statement or in listings like Recent Changes) in a way that is less of an issue for the database
    • Working on including the dispatch lag in the maxlag API to make it easier for bots to see when they should stop editing because of performance reasons (phabricator:T194950)
    • Working on adding a Lua function to check if an item is a subclass/instance of another one (phabricator:T179155)
    • Created an API that returns constraint violations for an item in TTL format in preparation for making constraint violations queryable in the query service (phabricator:T194762)
    • Started planning for support for Senses
    • Added more helpful text on Special:NewLexeme to make it easier to understand what information is required (phabricator:T193602)
    • Working on pre-filling the spelling variant for a new Form's representation (phabricator:T195708)
    • Worked on showing the Lemma of a Lexeme instead of just its ID in Special:AllPages, Recent Changes and diffs (phabricator:T191600, phabricator:T195382, phabricator:T195511)
    • Made the representation of a Form in a diff link to the Form (phabricator:T195512)
    • Fixed an issue on the Wikipedias and co when a statement in an item that was used there linked to a Form or Lexeme (phabricator:T195615)
    • Made the "publish" button stay disabled for a Lexeme's header when there is nothing to save (phabricator:T196342)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #317

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Events
    • Wikibase meetup on June 17-19 in Berlin
    • Past: Wikidata Lab VIII in São Paulo
      • Images, metadata, and gamification of Wikidata by Magnus Manske (video, slides)
      • Discovering and modeling knowledge in Wikidata by Andrew Lih (video, slides)
  • Development
    • Prototype for mobile termbox
    • Moving away from wb_terms table
    • Continued work on making WikibaseLexeme compatible with Wikibase clients (T195615)
    • Error handling and usability for entering lemmas was improved (T196342, T197453)
    • Lexemes no longer randomly pop up in rdf dumps (T194627)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #318

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Include Wikibase dispatch lag in API "maxlag" enforcing (phab:T194950)
    • Run full constraint check when saving a statement (phab:T194760)
    • Show map on items to preview coordinates (phab:T184933)
    • Implement property scope constraint to say if a property should be used on main snak qualifiers or references (phab:T197473)
    • Investigate on replacements for some parts of wb_terms table (phab:T197161)
    • Fix a UI glitch on Lexeme editing interface (phab:T195298)
    • Add names and descriptions for Lexeme, Form and Sense datatypes on Special:ListDatatypes (phab:T189935)
    • Display a warning message and prevent entering of lemmas with the same spelling variant (phab:T195372)
    • Work on showing description in Item selector in Special:NewLexeme (phab:T165597)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #319

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Events
    • Celtic Knot Conference, dedicated to Wikimedia projects and minority languages, July 5-6, in Aberystwyth (Wales). A lot of Wikidata workshops will take place during this event.
  • Development
    • Working on prefilling spelling variant of new form representation (phab:T195708)
    • Start breaking down stories in order to implement Senses
    • Finding a better solution for dewiki's Modul:Wikidata isParent (phab:T179155)
    • Adding support for linking to a particular statement (phab:T169224)
    • Implement property scope constraint (phab:T197473)
    • Track maxlag for wikidata on grafana dashboard (phab:T196868)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #320

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Making progress towards being able to query for constraint violations in the query service
    • Included the dispatch lag in the maxlag parameter to give better feedback to tools and bots if they can edit at the moment (phab:T194950)
    • Added support for linking to a particular statement (not just a statement group) (phab:T169224)
    • Set up L as an alias for the Lexeme namespace (phab:T195493)
    • Worked on making lexical category, language and grammatical feature show up on WhatLinksHere (phab:T195302)
    • Worked on Persistent IDs for Senses (phab:T198033)
    • Improve placeholder text for Lexeme language and lexical category field on Special:NewLexeme (phab:T195439)
    • Show description on the item selector on Special:NewLexeme (phab:T165597)
    • Add "mis" language code to the list of language code options on Special:NewLexeme (phab:T194771)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #321

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Worked on persistent storage for Senses on Lexemes - started by giving them a stable ID (phabricator:T198033)
    • Adding "mis" language code to the list of language code options on Special:NewLexeme (phabricator:T194771)
    • Made the Items used for Language, Lexical Category and Grammatical Feature show up on Special:WhatLinksHere (phabricator:T195302)
    • When adding a new Form the spelling variant is now filled out automatically based on the Lemma's (phabricator:195708)

Wikidata weekly summary #322

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Discussions
    • Open request for adminship: Lakokat
  • Development
    • More work on showing Lexemes and Forms in Special:WhatLinksHere (phab:T195302)
    • Fix wrong translations of Form related strings (phab:T191614)
    • Fix error message for non empty item (phab:T194371)
    • More work on storing Senses (phab:T198032)
    • More work on easy Wikibase Docker instance config generation (phab:T198841)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #323

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • EditGroups can now revert batches which created items. These items are deleted in the revert batch. This feature is only available to administrators but other users can easily request revert from the tool.
    • populationWDvsOSM: a new script that compares the population in OSM place nodes and boundary relations with Wikidata
    • user:Lakokat is back to adminship, congratulations!
    • Terminator, a tool by Magnus Manske that finds Wikidata items that lack a label, description, or article in a specific language, has now a version 2 (blog post)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #324

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Allow to show incoming links on the graph explorer dialog on WDQS (phab:T197778)
    • Fulltext search for Lexemes and Forms (only in Lexeme namespace) has been merged (phab:T196188)
    • We are now collecting click data when completion search on Wikidata is used (phab:T196186) which would serve us to improve search relevancy
    • Fix a lot of issues with our test system (phab:T200693)
    • Disallow merging of items that link to each other in references and qualifiers (phab:T119614)
    • More work on merging Lexemes (phab:T200884)
    • Provide useful HTML title for Lexemes (phab:T195386)
    • Improve the validation and error message when a label, description or alias is too long (phab:T145932, phab:T200780)
    • Expose constraint violations to WDQS (phab:T192567)
    • Add the possibility to download result of a query from the embed mode (phab:T176797)
    • Get persistent editing of Senses done (phab:T196270) (you can try it now on the beta system)
    • Work on edit summary of Senses (phab:T196290)
    • Work on diffs of Senses (phab:T196289)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #325

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Discussions

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #326

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2018-08-20.

  • Development
    • Show Senses in WhatLinksHere (phab:T200980)
    • Build ability to remove Senses (phab:T196283)
    • Reference a Sense in a statement (phab:T196263)
    • Improve the language code check for Lexemes (phab:T198202)
    • Prepare item/property link formatter that uses cache instead of wb_terms DB table (phab:T201831)
    • More work on merging Lexemes (phab:T198104)
    • Showing the Lemma or Representation when Lexemes or Forms are mentioned in constraint reports (phab:T195315)
    • Add new monolingual language codes: uga (Ugaritic), rar (Rarotongan), gmy (Mycenean Greek), mnw (Mon), mid (Modern Mandaic), haz (Hazaragi)
    • Fix a bug on the Query Service interface (phab:T201951)
    • Add number of results in embed map view of the Query Service (phab:T201908)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #327

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • Structured Data on Commons: A draft specification for using Depicts statements on Commons is up for community feedback.
    • It's possible to add somevalue and novalue using QuickStatements, and to use the tool on test.wikidata.org as well.
    • More properties can be searched using haswbstatement. This includes all properties with "external identifier", "string", "item", "property", "lexeme", "form" and "sense" datatypes, except published in (P1433) and cites (P2860). In addition you may make queries without a specified value.
    • The page creation and edit rate limit imposed in April will be removed in the next days. However, users who are not bots or administrators are throttled to 90 edits per minute (which was set up on all Wikimedia wikis in May).
    • These new languages are now supported for monolingual text strings: mid, mnw, gmy, rar, haz, uga. The language doesn't show up in the suggester, but you can save the statement and it will be stored properly.
    • Reminder: Wikidata's sixth birthday happens in two months. It's time to think about organizing a meetup with your local community, or preparing a gift (see the list of presents last year).
    • Lexicographical data: you can now try Senses on beta
    • 25% of the labeling campaign to improve the vandalism detection on Wikidata has been done. Please help by reviewing a few edits!
  • Development
    • More work on merging Lexemes
    • More work on data types and edit summary for Senses
    • Improve qualifier suggestions using constraint definition (phab:T201288)
    • Improve constraint property item suggestions for property constraint values (phab:T199672)
    • Remove ratelimit from Wikidata for some groups again (phab:T198396)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #328

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Final polishing on first version of Senses support for Lexemes. (phabricator:T201000, phabricator:T202729, phabricator:T198036, phabricator:T203334)
    • Continued work on merging Lexemes. Merging via the SpecialPage is done and will be rolled out soon. Merging via the API is still being worked on. (phabricator:T189129)
    • Long Lemmas in Lexemes look bad because they are not flowing to the next line and instead break the layout. Working on a fix. (phabricator:T195367)
    • Improving the validity of the HTML of the Lexeme headers. (phabricator:T196228)
    • Worked on showing the Lemma(s) or Representation(s) when Lexemes or Forms are mentioned in constraint reports. (phabricator:T195315)
    • Got a new beta feature ready for deployment that will improve the suggestions for properties like sex/gender by first suggesting the values defined in the one-of constraint. (phabricator:T202712)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #329

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #330

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Events
    • Continuing through September and early October: Andy Mabbett is touring Australia for a series of open-science and GLAM Wiki-focused talks, workshops, and meetups.
    • New events added for the sixth birthday of Wikidata: Berlin, Oslo, Tehran, Beijing
  • Development
    • Fix a problem with the language of the lemma (phab:T194347)
    • Improving the diffs for Lexemes (phab:T185481)
    • Exclude es-formal and hu-formal from monolingual text codes (phab:T203311, thanks to MarcoAurelio)
    • Implement the contemporary constraint (phab:T141859, thanks to Abiàn)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #331

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Work on editing Form statements using the API (phab:T194732)
    • Show the Lemma(s) or Representation(s) when Lexemes or Forms are mentioned in constraint reports (phab:T195315)
    • Add hyphenation for long Lexeme lemmas and representations (phab:T195367)
    • Normalize SPARQL queries (phab:T204122, thanks to Abiàn)
    • Fix a bug on the Query Service about exported query results being different from the displayed result (phab:T195258)
    • Fix a bug on the Query Service about empty map results returning error (phab:T178786)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #332

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Fix a bug when the "language of Lemma" box doesn't appear after failed submit of Special:NewLexeme (phab:T194347)
    • Fix the order of elements in Lexeme edit diffs (phab:T185481)
    • Enable constraint checks for Lexemes and Forms (phab:T195828)
    • More work on editing Form Statements using API (phab:T194732)
    • More work on a beta feature for suggestions based on constraints (phab:T202712)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #333

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Other Noteworthy Stuff


You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #334

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #335

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Events
    • A Wikidata workshop will be led by Shani Evenstein, in collaboration with Wikimedia Israel & and the Israel Internet Association, on 18th & 25th of October in Tel Aviv. The first meeting will be dedicated to an introduction and adding information to WD, and the second meeting will focus on querying & SPARQL.
    • An Introduction to Wikidata by Harmonia Amanda, an Introduction to Wikibase by Sandra Müllrick and a Wikicite workshop by Miriam Redi at the Wiki Techstorm in the Dutch National Library in the Hague on the 26th & 27th of October
    • Many events to celebrate Wikidata's birthday around the world. You can check the full list and the map to find one near you

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #336

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Several developers and members of the team attended to the Wikimedia Technical Conference
    • Fix an issue with interwikilinks and connection between Wikidata and sister projects (phab:T208077, phab:T208124)
    • Refactor Wikibase so that it can use alternative termbox views (phab:T206863)
    • Pass the entity data on the client side (phab:T207462) and server side (phab:T207467)
    • Investigate an error on some Wikidata pages (phab:T208142)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #337

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Helped get MediaInfo deployed on Commons
    • Reduced load on the query service from the constraint checks (phabricator:T204469)
    • Worked on getting constraints checks run regularly in the background so their results are complete in the query service (phabricator:T204714)
    • Enabled access to arbitrary items and properties for Wiktionaries
    • Working on infrastructure parts of the new termbox (the one showing labels, descriptions and aliases) on mobile

Wikidata weekly summary #338

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Displaying Senses before Forms (phab:T208592)
    • Making quality constraints play nicer with the Query Service
    • Putting in the ground work to have quality checks run in jobs
    • Enabling arbritrary access on oldwikisource
    • Allowing configuration of the licence in .ttl output
    • Configuration of more string limits, such as URL and mono / multilingual texts
    • Moving wdqs frontend to a blubber deployment (phab:T192006)
    • Asserting a users name so they can't edit when accidently logged out (phab:T124451)
    • Showcase a termbox placeholder in the mobile frontend of m.wikidata.org (phab:T206200)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #339

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • A new tool to display Wikimedia Commons categories (and Wikipedia/Wikidata tags) with coordinates on the OSM map
    • The Association of Research Libraries published the draft of a Wikidata Task Force White Paper on how libraries and Wikidata/ Wikibase con join forces aroud linked open data for both library discovery systems and Wikipedia, and advancing a diversity and inclusion agenda in the cultures of both libraries and Wikimedia. The draft is open for public comment until 30 November.
  • Development
    • Fixed a bug that was saving the statement too early when trying to add a qualifier with the keyboard (phab:T154869)
    • Made changes to disallow edits (until the user reloads) if they accidentally get logged out. (phab:T124451)
    • Turn the new change tag back on wikidatawiki (phab:T208846)
    • Better linting against things that don't work in IE11
    • Fixed the wdqs-frontend docker image (phab:T208681, phab:T209206)
    • Fixed html elements in the table result of wdqs (phab:T207257, thanks to user:Frog23)
    • Getting ontology changes deployed to wikiba.se
    • Using maplink or mapframe to view coords on wikidata (phab:T184933)
    • Consistent capitalization of Lexeme/Form/Sense/Item/Property in UI messages
    • Make Lexemes appear in global usage of Commons files (phab:T204066)
    • Work on a new interface for the termbox on mobile (phab:T207150)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #340

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Fix an error when entering an incomplete filename (phab:T199420)
    • Fix the unreadable references for unpriviledged users (phab:T186006)
    • Create new page properties for number of Forms and Senses of a Lexeme (phab:T199611)
    • Adapt the API to efficiently format large numbers of entity IDs (phab:T207484)
    • Switch "save" to "publish" in the Lexeme interface (phab:T203354)
    • Fix a bug showing outdated link formats in the history of Lexemes (phab:T208423)
    • Add Special:MergeLexemes to Special:SpecialPages (phab:T204397)
    • Add Wikipedia link in the other projects sidebar of Wikisource (phab:T180303, thanks to Tpt)
    • Work on displaying the language of the gloss with the language name, both in reading and editing mode (phab:T203457, phab:T209931)
    • More work on improving the interface of the termbox on mobile

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #341

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Events
    • Upcoming: "Researcher meets Curator", with a subquestion: "What are the consequences of collecting born digital sources, working with digital network analysis and engaging with linked open data initiatives such as Wikidata", in Maastricht on 22 March 2019. Call for papers
    • Upcoming: Advanced Wikidata Training in India, December 15-16
    • Past: "Wikibase: configure, customize, and collaborate" workshop at SWIB 18 in Bonn, Germany on November 26, 2018. Workshop materials
    • Past: EveryPolitician event to identify political data sources for Wikidata in Madrid, Spain, on December 1, 2018.
  • Development
    • Add Lexeme to Wikibase's ontology.owl (phab:T195368)
    • Prepare to drop change_tag.ct_tag column (phab:T194163)
    • Create Federated Wikibase instance on Beta Commons (phab:T204748)
    • More work on preparing a new termbox for the mobile version of Wikidata

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #342

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • We are now showing the language name instead of the language code of a Gloss (phabricator:T203457, phabricator:T209931)
    • We added a Page property for easier programmatic access to the number of Senses and Forms of a Lexeme (phabricator:T199611)
    • The code samples in the query service have been improved (phabricator:T207749, thanks abian!)
    • We're working on tracking how often the different Lua functions that Wikibase provides are used in the Wikimedia project to see how that changes over time (phabricator:T191416)
    • We worked on and fixed a security incident related to blocking (phabricator:T210953)
    • We are continuing to bring the termbox (showing labels, descriptions, aliases) to mobile viewers

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #343

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
  • Test that the issue with blocked users will not happen anymore (phab:T211120)
  • Finish up on showing Language and Language codes when editing glosses (phab:T209931)
  • Work towards having QualityContraints on Beta (phab:T209957)
  • Work on tracking usage of Wikibase Lua Functions (phab:T191416)
  • Some more work on string length limits (phab:T154660)
  • Work on some Wikidata toolkit improvements (phab:T209399)
  • Fix some errors happening in production (phab:T208924)
  • More under-the-hood work for the termbox on mobile

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #344

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Writing a maintenance script to make configuring WikibaseQualityConstraints easier (phab:T209958)
    • Working on new ID generator using different SQL to attempt to stop lock errors when creating lots of items (phab:T194299)
    • Making more parts of the Query Service UI more configurable such as the copyright page, title, and started work on the favicon / logos (phab:T194175)
    • Adding tracking for Wikibase Lua functions so we can see how they are used on various different projects (phab:T191416)
    • Working on fixing alignment issues with glosses (phab:T207401)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #345

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Not much happened this week because we took some time off over the holidays. Getting back to full speed again in the next days.

Wikidata weekly summary #346

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Working on getting final pieces in place to regularly run constraint check jobs so all constraint violations get fed into the query service (phabricator:T204031)
    • Fixed alignment issues with Glosses on Lexeme pages (phabricator:T207401)
    • Working on getting the layout right for the termbox in the mobile view so that in the future you can also see labels, descriptions and aliases in different languages on mobile (phabricator:T207150)
    • Getting ready to start working on basic Shape Expression support

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #347

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • Structured data for Commons: multilingual captions are deployed on Commons on January 10th (documentation)
    • The Wikidata Query Service has been encountering some data corruption issues that impact the results you can see when running a query. Some may still be running. You can check the current ticket for more updates.
    • New dashboard for percentage of pages on a Wikimedia project make use of data from Wikidata (doesn't include sitelinks, doesn't include Commons file and category pages for now)
    • Science Stories, a project highlighting women in sciences, uses Wikidata
  • Development
    • Solving an issue that blocked deployments over the past weeks (phab:T212427)
    • Improved the visual appearance of glosses (phab:T207401)
    • Fixing problems with reverting Sense addition (phab:T211438)
    • Improving our Javascript to be more standard (phab:T210744)
    • Working on performing more constraint type checks in PHP before falling back to SPARQL (phab:T209504)
    • Making the query service logo and favicon configurable in one's own Wikibase (phab:T212210)
    • More work on displaying the termbox on mobile (phab:T207150)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #348

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Fixed a small bug that we introduced with editing badges on wd.org (phab:T213998)
    • Finished collecting data about the user of the termbox (phab:T211015)
    • Fixed an i18n message (phab:T206416)
    • Created some maintenance scripts for creating and approving oauth consumers (phab:T211568)
    • Checked for possible data coruptions due to an issue with change tags (phab:T213281)
    • Fixed an issue with restoring merge revisions in Lexeme (phab:T204041)
    • Configured WikibaseQualityConstraints on test.wikidata (phab:T209922)
    • Turned on the new entity id formatting for properties (phab:T201838)
    • Continued work on glosses, displaying the language name also in edit mode (phab:T209931)
    • Starting investigating on Shape Expressions
    • Mobile termbox: showing language, description and aliases (phab:T207150)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #349

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Started development on Shape Expressions
    • Termbox: show an expanded-by-default section for the user's preferred languages (phab:T211865)
    • Provide visualization LUA usage on a dashboard (phab:T211768)
    • Fixed issues with sense ID wrapping (phab:T210502)
    • Background work to support the deployment of the next pieces for Structured Data on Commons

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #350

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #351

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Working on the "in more languages" and "all entered languages" parts of the termbox on mobile
    • Working on making undo, revert, edit summaries and more work for Shape Expressions
    • Fixed an error when detecting the same label and description in another Item (phabricator:T194770, thanks Matěj)
    • Making Lemma input on Lexeme pages save your input when you press enter (phabricator:T206140)
    • Making QuickStatements work more easily for other Docker-powered Wikibase instances (phabricator:T205606)
    • Worked more on making Federation work for making Statements on Wikimedia Commons (phabricator:T214557)
    • Working on stripping whitespaces at the beginning and end of Glosses when saving them (phabricator:T212019)
    • Looking into adding more signals to ORES' vandalism detection model so we can detect bad edits more accurately (phabricator:T194737)
    • Preventing a redirect of an Entity onto itself (phabricator:T214775)
    • Fixed an issue with adding sitelinks from Wikimedia Commons (phabricator:T213975)
    • Unified the separators between language and lexical category in different places (phabricator:T201808)

Wikidata weekly summary #352

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #353

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Updated some icons with the new WikimediaUI icon set (phab:T209259)
    • Fixed an issue that was causing occasional failures when creating new Items (phab:T194299)
    • Investigated Wikidata Tours not loading correctly (phab:T215919)
    • Adjusted spacing between Sense ID, bar and Gloss (phab:T215502)
    • Fixing a long time issue with introducing new data types in production (phab:T216728)
    • Fixing docs for backup of wikibase container images (phab:T214941)
    • Making undo, rollback and restore work on schema content pages (phab:T214399)
    • Improving edit summaries for schema content pages (phab:T213724)
    • Tightening up the process for editing "identifying information" for Schemas (phab:T214466)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #354

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Added monolingual language code tlb (Tobelo), thanks User:Mbch331! (T216798, will be deployed next week)
    • Integrating the termbox with Wikibase (phab:T214679)
    • Viewing historic revisions and fetching the termbox data from Special:EntityData (phab:T210615)
    • Fixing emoji breaking the termbox (phab:T217244)
    • Renamed special pages under Wikibase to avoid confusion with Schemas special pages (phab:T216719)
    • Removed unsupported php 7 constant in production, causing a notice and potential undefined behavior ([[phab:T217241
    • Investigated wb_term normalization solution (phab:T215902)
    • Fix for outdated cached WB datatypes on client-side (phab:T216728 (blocks enabling new datatypes, e.g. phab:T216730))
    • Allowing access to wikibase entities from multiple (wikibase) databases (phab:T214557)
    • Allowing to return a proper API error on 'wbformatvalue' action (phab:T207479)
    • Providing open-graph title and discretion meta-tags for lexemes (phab:T206414)
    • Allowing quickstatements to work out-of-the-box in wikibase-quickstatments docker image (phab:T205606)
    • Implementing “undo” for Schemass (phab:T214914, making it work via the API (phab:T217250)
    • Implementing “restore” for Schemas (phab:T214915)
    • Adding created and edited Schemas to the watchlist according to the user’s preferences (phab:T213725)
    • Splitting edit parts on Schemas (phab:T215395, phab:T215393, phab:T215392, phab:T215394)
    • Improving support for multilingual edit comments in MediaWiki (phab:T215637)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #355

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Discussions
    • Open request for adminship: Dimon2711
    • Closed request for adminship: Esteban16, welcome onboard!
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • Client wikis calling geocoordinate statements from Wikidata using mw.wikibase.entity:formatStatements or the #statements parser function will now have it displayed using a Kartographer <maplink> if available. In case of bug or question, feel free to ask in phab:T210926. Thanks to Tpt for the change!
    • A Google Summer of Code/Outreachy project seeks to add structure to the Commons app. Photographers will be able to pick Wikidata items that are depicted by the picture they upload.
    • Suggestions based on constraints can be enabled for all users

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #356

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Prepare new constraint icons (phab:T191322)
    • View history revisions of entities on new termbox mobile (phab:T210615)
    • Caching termbox output on the Wikibase side (phab:T214679)
    • Fix emojis breaking the termbox layout in Chrome (phab:T217244)
    • Work on multilingual support for schemas (phab:T215387)
    • Implement a length limit for the schema text (phab:T216148)
    • Replace the heading/title for schema pages similar to what Wikibase does (phab:T215759)
    • Deploy the shex-simple website, which can be used to check entities against a schema in the browser, on Toolforge (phab:T217333)
    • Deploy the score data type to production

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #357

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Discussions
    • Open request for adminship: Stanglavine
    • An open discussion on how to model one-way train routes is now taking place, and everyone is welcome to pitch in
  • Development
    • Update property suggester data (phab:T216270)
    • Add a link to the shex-simple tool to make it easier to check entities against a Schema (phab:T217331)
    • Make the placeholders on Special:NewSchema now match the ones on Special:NewItem (phab:T215386)
    • Check for edit conflicts when editing schemas (phab:T217338, phab:T218300)
    • Enable the parser cache for Schema pages (phab:T218459, phab:T218769)
    • Use the FormatAutocomments hook for Schemas to implement translatable edit summaries (phab:T218889)
    • Implement a proper Wikibase-Termbox-Integration according to the ADR (phab:T214679)
    • Fix the emoji breaking the termbox column layout (phab:T217244)
    • Correctly showing revisions with the new termbox (phab:T210615)
    • Correctly handle user-specific language settings in the new termbox (phab:T218111)
    • Fix an issue for score extension (phab:T218535)
    • Turn off RDF support for entity types that doesn't support it (phab:T213483)
    • Respect nofollow config on wikidata identifier links (phab:T175230)
    • Allow accessing Wikibase entities from multiple (Wikibase) databases (phab:T214557)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #358

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Work on a dashboard for external identifiers (phab:T204440)
    • Add baserevid to WikibaseLexeme API modules (phab:T217243)
    • Add tests for embed.html (phab:T212649)
    • Improve features for wikibase vandalism detection model (phab:T194737)
    • Improve Property Info cache performance (phab:T218115, phab:T218197)
    • Adding nofollow to external identifiers links (phab:T175230)
    • Hide query helper by default in Query Service (phab:T217886)
    • More work on wb_terms normalization (Phab board)
    • Enable trimming whitespace around Label/Description/Aliases and Schema text (phab:T215761)
    • Prevent moving Schemas between namespaces (and generally) (phab:T219313)
    • Limit the length of Schema labels, descriptions, aliases, and schema text in the frontend (phab:T218867)
    • Add tracking for clicks on the “check entities against this Schema” link (phab:T218899)
    • Disallow importing of Schemas from another wiki or XML files to avoid ID conflicts (phab:T218181)
    • Make sure RTL text is being handled correctly in the Schema labels, descriptions and aliases table (phab:T219136)
    • Add a publish button on mobile termbox: (phab:T218573)
    • Building the wbeditentity request to be fired on save request: (phab:T218577)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #359

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • More work on documenting and preparing the announcement for the Wikidata External Landscape dashboard (phab:T204440)
    • Improved the documentation of WMDE analytic documents (phab:T219844)
    • Set up translatable schema edit summaries using the FormatAutocomments hook (phab:T218893)
    • Improved right-to-left support on schema pages (phab:T219298)
    • Protected schemas against imports (phab:T218181) and page moves (phab:T219313) and disabled the useless “move” and “create” protections for them (phab:T219980)
    • Improved schema edit conflict detection to allow merging of non-conflicting edits (phab:T218300, phab:T219173)
    • Improved the Extension:WikibaseSchema documentation on mediawiki.org (phab:T219979)
    • Fixed a bug on Lexicographical Data when editing existing grammatical features (phab:T219318)
    • Increased musical notation datatype string length limit to 1500 characters (phab:T218767)
    • Got ready for the last steps of new constraint level for suggestions (phab:T204439)
    • More work on allowing editing of mobile termbox fields (phab:T216987)
    • Let term value fields grow with their content (phab:T220185)
    • More work on migrating away from wb_terms

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #360

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Added Sámi monolingual language codes sia (Akkala), sjk (Kemi) and sjt (Ter), thanks to Jon Harald Søby (phab:T217521)
    • Moving forward with enabling constraints suggestions for everyone and remove beta feature (phab:T220609)
    • Fixing an issue with displaying mapframes for geocoordinate on client (phab:T220122)
    • Make it impossible to set the same content in the same language for label and description (phab:T212869)
    • Catch Exceptions where the entity can not be serialized due to being too big (phab:T217741)
    • Fix the order of value suggestions based on constraint (phab:T220587)
    • Add links on entity suggestions from constraint definitions (phab:T207363)
    • Increase musical notation datatype string length limit to 1500 characters (phab:T218767)
    • More work on making the new mobile termbox editable (phab:T216987)
    • More work on migrating away from wb_terms

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #361

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Improved the external identifiers landscape (phab:T204440)
    • Prepare process and announcement for the wb_terms migration to come
    • Allow configuring WDQS UI without changes to files under version control (phab:T194179)
    • Configure suggestion constraint level on Beta (phab:T221107)
    • Graduate suggestions based on constraints beta feature out of beta features (phab:T209879)
    • Editing of labels and descriptions on mobile (phab:T216987)
    • Editing aliases on mobile (phab:T218690)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #362

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Discussions
    • Open request for adminship: BRPever
  • Development
    • Displaying mapframes for geocoordinate on client requires preprocessing by the user (phab:T220122)
    • Fixing cursor jumping to next field and overlapping of menus (phab:T172937)
    • Wikidata a focus issue on grammatical features field (phab:T218229)
    • Add language codes rm-rumgr, rm-sursilv, rm-surmiran, rm-sutsilv, rm-vallader, rm-puter for Lexemes (phab:T210293)
    • Align RTL languages in glosses to right (phab:T203081)
    • Add new monolingual codes: qya + sjn, el-cy, syc, abq, hbo) (phab:)
    • Fix a bug with NewLexeme suggester menu (phab:T199409)
    • Created a dedicated Phab board to help tool builders with the changes on wb_terms
    • More internal work to get the first version of mobile termbox ready for deployment

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #363

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Discussions
    • Closed request for adminship: BRPever, welcome on board!

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #364

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Finish renaming WikibaseSchema to EntitySchema
    • Investigate how to port Wikibase Selenium tests from Ruby to Node.js (phab:T221638)
    • Include a clear two step process in shex simple tool (phab:T221612)
    • Fix the "edit visually" on the Query Service interface (phab:T222181)
    • More work on wb_terms redesign (see documentation on phab:T221764)
    • More work on mobile termbox
    • Investigate on a bug found on wbeditentity not removing all aliases (phab:T203337)
    • Getting ready for the Wikimedia hackathon

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #365

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Added lastrevid of entities to JSON dumps – thanks Pintoch!
    • Working to scale the Wikidata Concepts Monitor system (phab:T203366)
    • Imrpove logging in on mobile (phab:T215913)
    • More work on mobile termbox
    • Several developers from the Wikidata team attended to the hackathon, discussed with the community, gathered feedback, hacked on things together with volunteers :)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #366

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Events
    • Past: Wikidata Labs XV in Brazil, with an introduction to lexicographical data (slides)
    • Past: Workshop for experienced editors of nl.wiktionary to explore the possibilities of lexicographical data.
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • The US Library of Congress are integrating Wikidata QIDs into their authority files (blog post)
  • Development
    • Deploy the EntitySchema extension on test.wikidata.org and beta.wikidata.org
    • Remove the remaining beta feature config for constraint-suggestions (phab:T220609)
    • Introduce baserevid for conflict checking in Lexeme (phab:T217245)
    • Fix a bug making impossible to get Lexeme Forms and Senses via the API (phab:T223995)
    • Add Wikidata query service lag to Wikidata maxlag (phab:T221774)
    • Allow accessing Wikibase entities from multiple Wikibase databases (phab:T214557)
    • More work to get termbox ready for deployment
    • Add a login warning on mobile termbox editing (phab:T221831)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #367

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Specify license of mediawiki/Wikibase/WikibaseLexeme ontology (phab:T216842)
    • Enable bugfix on beta for wbeditentity setting aliases to empty array (phab:T223300)
    • Use correct validator in alias changeop and provide error messages if alias is too short (phab:T223311)
    • More work on the use of special pages Special:SetAliases and Special:SetLabelDescriptionAliases with aliases containing | character (phab:T223270)
    • Add Wikidata query service lag to Wikidata maxlag (phab:T221774)
    • Fix BadMethodCallException wbgetentities when getting Lexeme subentities (forms, senses) (phab:T223995)
    • Scale the machine learning components of the WDCM system w. {text2vec} WarpLDA implementation (phab:T203366)
    • Inspect strange behavior of the WD_percentUsageDashboard (phab:T217994)
    • WDCM dashboards maintenance: eliminating the need to use the wdcm.maintable in Hive, WDCM Geo is now independent of it (with its update engine running Spark instead) and re-designed to match the WDCM standards (phab:T217994, phab:T214586, phab:T217997)
    • Further preparations for the Wikidata Languages Landscape project (phab:T221965)
    • More progress in order to get the mobile service deployed
    • Adding an IP edit warning popup for mobile termbox (phab:T221831)
    • Allowing users to ignore this popup permanently (phab:T221833)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #368

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #369

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #370

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Beginning of wb_terms migration (phab:T221764)
    • Fixed a bug with phan on Wikibase (phab:T226083)
    • Enable bugfix for wbeditentity setting aliases to empty array (phab:T223303)
    • Fix an issue with pipe character on some special pages (phab:T223270)
    • Fix an issue with removed constraint still displayed on Lexeme (phab:T223372)
    • Make edits to EntitySchema pages autopatrolled (phab:T224495)
    • Work on creating better edit summaries for wbeditentity API endpoint (phab:T224010)
    • Deploy the work environment for new mobile termbox
    • Start setting up the technical environment for Wikidata bridge

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #371

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • More work on preparing the technical setup for Wikidata Bridge development
    • Implement Feature Flag for Wikidata Bridge (phab:T225935)
    • Discuss the best way to connect template parameter to corresponding Wikidata property (phab:T224832)
    • Improve the documentation for Wikibase sites setup (phab:T218282)
    • Prepare the last steps for reading from new term store implementation (phab:T225603) according to the migration plan (phab:T221765)
    • Fixed a bug and reduced significantly the amount of addUsagesForPage jobs in our jobs queue (phab:T205045)
    • Removed feature flag for the bugfix for wbeditentity setting aliases to empty array (phab:T223305)
    • Decreased EntityUsageTable addUsage batch size to 100 (phab:T225500)
    • Configured query service lag for Wikidata maxlag (phab:T222193)
    • Helped fixing an issue with moving files on Commons (phab:T226672)

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Wikidata weekly summary #372


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